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Cannabis Containers - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Updated: Oct 5, 2021

Cannabis Containers - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

“I found weed in my plastic” - Some cannabis consumer, probably

Sometimes buying from a legal cannabis store feels less green than it was in the Legacy era. The new forms of cannabis packaging, with multiple layers, child locks, and warning labels, are bulky and more often than not, a few sizes too big.

We remember buying back in the Legacy era, when you could get up close and personal with flower, bring your own cannabis container in and be on your way. Of course, a lot has changed since then, but the new model has clear benefits.

In the past, there were rules on cannabis packaging, so you had the trust that a product was fresh and exactly what the store said it was. No one wants to imagine that a dispensary would rename strains, make up a potency, or repurpose contaminated products into things like pre-rolls. With no real quality regulations though, dispensaries could get away with a lot worse.

The strain you remember, it didn’t taste like fried chicken. Somebody just forgot to wash their hands before rolling joints in the back.

When we lost the chance to get intimate with a product before buying it, we gained consistency and accuracy. Already, all regulated cannabis packaging is required to show the packaged-on date, batch number, and the THC/CBD content but brands are beginning to elevate their game by including terpene ratios as well as the date the flower was harvested on. This regulated information has made tailoring the cannabis experience heaps more accessible.

As companies continue to make the gradual transition to a more sustainability-conscious mindset there are a few things that we can do as consumers to help.

Reduce the number of packages you buy by springing for a larger size. The required batch number ensures consistency of quality for a strain, so if you know you liked an eighth, upgrade to a half or oz. If you are worried about preserving the quality, there are storage solutions like the Gas Tank that will keep your cannabis fresher - for longer.

Reusing or repurposing cannabis containers is a fun solution for that stack of empties you’ve been collecting. We’ve seen people make everything from planters to candles, and there are still loads more ideas out there.

Recycling cannabis packaging is still one the best things we can do, but between the mixed materials and hidden codes, it gets tricky trying to decipher what goes where. That’s why Blunt is proud to say we launched our own recycling program. From here on out, you can bring all regulated cannabis packaging and containers back to our shop. We’ll break it down, sort it, and recycle it appropriately, so you can spend less time worrying about your carbon footprint and more time enjoying your pot.

For more information on recycling your cannabis containers check out the link below!

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